Tuesday 10 March 2015


Hi guys,

I know it had being such a long time since i last update this blog but doesn't mean i had forget about it . (Ok, maybe sometimes i did forget bout the existence of this blog^^) 

Anyway by looking at the title, i'm sure u know what will be my entry update this time. I will recommend you some of the korean drama or movie which i have watch recently. Bear in mind, not all drama or movie that i recommend you was made in 2015. I will try my best to make some comment about the drama.

1) Healer

A great chemistry between the hero and the heroin. A great act by the actors and the actresses. A great storyline. All the things about this drama is just perfect and beautiful. I really like the chemistry show by Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young in this drama. I would really like to recommend you to watch this drama. It is an action drama with a beautiful romance. Believe me, you would fall in love with Ji Chang Wook after you watch this drama (that is what happen to me).

2) More than Blue

I know that you would say that this is a 2009 movie and not 2015. But hey, why nobody tell me about the existence of this beautiful drama. It makes me cry really hard watching this movie. I think Kwon Sang Woo play a perfect role. He successfully potray his character who want to protect his girl even his act will hurt himself. Lee Bo Young also act well in potraying her sacrifying towards the man that she love. What a great and beautiful movie. For those who want to watch this drama, please preapre a box of tissue beforehand. It is a sad melodrama.

3) Blood

The first thing you should know before watching this drama is that, the drama was quite controversial because of the awkward act by the hero and the heroin. But then, putting aside the awkward act, this drama was actually a great drama. I love the storyline of the movie about the vampire who try to survive in the human world and his determination to want to live like humanbeing. At first, i was like a bit uncertain on whether to watch this drama or not especially after reading some negative comments by the k-netizens about this drama but then, one day, i accidentally watch this drama and later, i started to be curious as to what will happen next and end up watching this drama. Ignore the awkward act by the main character because the other character is still doing well in potraying their character especially the evil vampire aka Ji Jin Hee.

this is not the end. i still have a lot of great drama that i had watch but i just being lazy to make some comment about the drama. Anyway, i will give you some list and left a short comment about the drama.

4) Birth of a Beauty - a drama about a married fat girl who do PS to be beautiful in order to revenge her cheated husband.

5) Pinnochio - a drama about the world of reporter who are all about lying and how the young, freshmen reporter discover the truth about the false news reported about his father. I like that they show the world of reporter. Even though all the things in the drama is all fiction but i believe that there is some reporter who are like that. being untrustworthy in delivering the news.

6)Hyde, Jekyll me - a drama about a man who had a split personality. The other man was born out of the guilty felt by the man.

7) Kill me, Heal me - the same storyline with the hyde, jekyll me. about a man who had split personality.

ok, i can't remember what are the other drama i had watch. I tend to easily forget about a things easily so that is why i can't really remember what drama i had watch... hahah... anyway, hope you enjoy your time watching all this drama. For those who are still be like uncertain as to watch it or not, i will not pressured you but please watch Healer. It is a really good and great drama. i had watch it for third time and maybe i will watch it again for the forth time. That is how crazy i am about the drama.So please watch it^^.

Anyway, this is all from me. Will try to think as to what topic i will present on my next entry. XOXO

P/s : can't wait to watch movie, 'TWENTY"....

Friday 7 February 2014

2PM ~from SINGER to ACTOR~

Hey guys~~~
long time not see ya...^^

i have being very busy with my assignment this days so now i steal some times to make a review on my favourite group, 2PM... you might be saying "What?? 2PM again!!! Didn't she get bored, posting about 2PM." Let me told you, there is no such word as bored in my life when i talk about 2PM... That is how much i love 2PM... it's infinity actually... hahak... ok.. too much nonsense here^^

let us go back to the topic... I know that all of us had know that all the members of 2PM had actively work as an actor now and i believe all of them had being officially recognized as an awesome actor for their skillful and excellent acting. So let's start our review now...

Should I start with actor Ok Taecyeon....

The first member who turn up as an actor. Starting with debuting in the drama Cinderella step's sister as a supporting role, he move forward by acting in Dream High by playing a dark character who have a passionate in dancing... For his excellent and consistency in acting, he was appointed to be a main character in the drama Who Are You?. For me, he potray an excellent acting in the drama Who are you? and i can see how much he had improve his skill in acting.

Even though a lot of peoples praise him for his excellent acting in the drama Cinderella step's sister but should i say that i found him a bit awkward in that drama. Maybe it because that is the first time i see him acting but starting from Dream high and then move to the drama Who are you, i will gladly said that he had pass the stage to be an actor. 

I really like his character in the drama Who are you? For me, it was the best acting he had show so far (should i say that his hairstyle in this drama was the best^^) . And for all his effort, i would say that he was born to be an actor.

Now let's move on to actor Lee Junho....

Different with other members, he just star in one movie call 'Cold Eyes' but with his brilliant act, his work and effort was recognized. Some said that he was born to act but some said that he was lucky because his character as squirrel in that movie was perfectly suit for him. However for me, it is not all about lucky but also his ability to choose the character that he want. Junho in 2PM is known as a someone that have a passion and high-concentration. When he like to do something, he will put all his effort to make it success so maybe this explain on how he can successfully immerse with the character of squirrel. 

Who know, he might be the next 'Suzy'. As we know, suzy act in a movie call architecture 101 and with that movie, she earn the name of nation first love for her excellent acting so i am sure, Junho also have the ability to be on that standard. His new movie together with other excellent actors like Lee Byung Heon makes people curious on how well he can bring his character this time.

From what i read, after his acting in the movie, Cold Eyes he get a lot of call from the directors to take him in their movie. This show, how much excellent he is in bringing his character alive. Even though, his character does not require him to speak a lot but he success in making his action standing out even among others excellent actors. He was excessively ambitious, which become a common mistake make by the actors with too much desire. He controlled himself not to make an exaggerate face or action to stand out. Trying not to stand out made him stand out in the end.

For me, Junho is a genius type born with excellence. He fascinated the audience in his debut movie and the second movie that he will be starring gave him a good chance to move ahead. It make me wonder, why didn't he start the acting career earlier? He sure will get a lot of love from the audience.

Next is actor Hwang Chansung.....

If we look from the history, before Chansung become a member of 2PM, he was previously known as an actor as he had acted in a sitcom (can't remember the name.. lol) After debuted in 2PM, he left his acting career to concentrate as a singer. However after 5 years, he make a come back in a japanese drama call Kaito Royale. His acting in this drama was praised by the audience as he succesfully potray his caharacter as a thief. Thanks to his ability in Taekwando and kumdo, he able to bring out the character as a tough man.

And for that excellent acting, he was offer to act in the next drama call 7th Grade Civil Servant. For the first few episode, sometimes i can feel the awkwardness in his acting but soon, he success to immerse himself with the character. For me, his eyes play a great role in portraying his emotion.

Look at that intense eyes. The eyes make us as the audience believe with what the character feel. It is hard to find the actor that can portray the emotion through the eyes. It is one of the advantages for Chansung to pursue his career in acting. His comeback in this arena was surely a great decision.  

Let us move on actor Nichkhun....

When we talk about acting, in history, after 2PM is build, the first person who challenge the acting is Nichkhun but his character are only cameo but then he make his first move by acting in a big screen thai movie call '7 something'. Believe or not, he is actually the first member who acted in a movie among the members and his skill in that movie was greatly praise by the media.

His career in acting might be a bit slow because he only receive a cameo role however such a tiny role always give a big impact to the drama. However even though his acting career a bit slow but actually among the 2PM members, Nichkhun's acting are widely accepted. He act not only in his hometown, Thailand but he also spread his acting in Korea, Japan and also China. In Korea, he had make a cameo in a lot of drama such as dream high, More charming by the day and All my love. In japan, he make a cameo in a movie like Ouran High School Host club and Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo. Because of his popularity as a singer and actor, he was awarded to be  a main role in a Chinese youth drama, one and a half summer which become the most anticipate drama in china for 2014.

the picture above was a crying scene in a music video of a thailand band (i can't remember the bands name.. lol) Watch it and i am sure. you will agree with me when i said that he had the sense to be an actor. Here is the video...

He actually was said to be acted as a main role in one of the drama in korea but then, because of the pack schedule, he has to decline it. And believe it, the character of Jeremy  in a hit drama you're beautiful was originally offer to him but then he rejected the offer because of the schedule.  If his acting skill is not that great, there will be no chance for him to be acted in a lot of dramas. So he must have being given the skill of acting by God.

Now, we move to actor Jang wooyoung....

His acting ability was first test in the youth drama, Dream High. In that drama, he act as Jason, a korean-american. At the first few episode, he bring out the character of Jason very well that make me hard to see him as Wooyoung but at the last few episode, i can see wooyoung in the character of Jason. But i don't find it as something that can change my mind to see him as an actor. 

A great actor is the actor that we still remember even  years apart. Who don't remember, his English's line, "is it my turn already?' Whenever we talk about Dream high, that line will first cross in our mind. His cute loveline with the singer, IU give him a lot of advantages to be well accepted by the audience. Their chemistry in the drama make a lot of people believe that they are in relationship so here it show, how much effort he put in order to make their chemistry and his character alive.

However, after that drama, we can't see him in other drama so it is a bit sad. I am sure a lot of people are waiting for a comeback drama from the actor Jang Wooyoung. (so am i^^) So let us together pray for a new drama from Wooyoung.

And lastly is actor Kim Minjun aka Jun.k

Different with the other members who pursue their acting career in drama nad movie but the actor Jun.k choose a different path. With his excellent and outstanding vocal, he choose to do a musical called The Three Musketeers. Even though this was his first musical, but he was already receive a lot of love and praises from the audience for his outstanding ability in acting. Through this musical, he is able to prove his ability both in singing and acting. I am also sure that through this musical, it will be the best way to expand his talent.

Hope, Jun.k will not stop his career in acting with just this musical but pursue it more in future. For the international fan like me, i would like to see him act in the drama or movie so that i can also watch his excellent acting.

That is all my review. Don't know whether you agree with me or not but it is my review afterall..... hehe^^
Anyway thanks for willingly read my review even though it may be a bit bored.. haha... so to finish my review, here nichkhun's wink for you-;)

Thursday 18 July 2013


Annyeong guys!!!!!

It had being a while since i last update the news about 2pm... i know this is an old story and a lot of you probably had know about this but in case for those who doesn't know yet... Junho will become a second member to make a solo debut in 2PM... Wahhh!!... Chukahae!!! i am proud of you my boy... Hearing this news make me remember his interview in strong heart where he ask when will his time come for him to bloom.. now he had get the answer... now it is his time.. i know he had being waiting for this time to come for a long time and i think it is worth because he not just get a chance to debut as a solo singer but also can have his own concert... And also get to showcase more of his talent as a songwriter and for this album, he make a lot of involvement from all aspects... i am so proud of him right now...

Don't you think that he look really charismatic in this picture... hehe^^... Ohhh... have you heard the song... Kimi no koe... for your information, Junho are the one who write the song... here i give you the link for you to hear the song... http://vimeo.com/69958907 

so what do you think about the song and mv??? do you like it??? 

i think that's i can update for today... maybe i will update a lot more during my semestar break... byebye^^


dah lama rasenyer x update blog nih... too busy with the assignment and test plus i am now in my second year at UNISZA... cpat giler rase mase blalu... rase cam baru smalam je mggu orentasi tuh.... hmmm...

so for my post today, just nak luah sikit perasaan towards prangai my frend... setahun setengah dah aq dgn diorang... sdikit sbanyak aq knal prangai diorang tuh mcam mana.. ad yg aq dah bleh trima n still ad yg x bleh trima... so nak bg story sket nih... alkisahnya...

aq ad sorang kawan nih... aq stat kwan dgn dier dr sem 1 satu ag and we are like close friend gtu... always satu grup, pegi klas skali n cr mkan skali... but until now ad satu prasaan dier yg aq x suke.. that is biler bad mood jew habis nak effect smua org... org ad kate klau someone tgh bad mud jgn tgur nnt kiter yg kna marah so aq follow ah ptua tuh tp lain plak jdnya... biler aq x tgur dier igt aq nak cr gaduh dgn dier n then klau aq tgur plak, blas cam x nak blas... sakit plak ase hati dgar cara dier blas tuh.... so from your view, what should i do????

skrang prangai dier like makin menjadi-jadi.... bnda kecil pown nak dbsar-bsarkan... pastu mula ah nak bgaduh... aq try simpan dulu... tp biler lama2 meletup gak and guess what??? aq igt aq sorang jew yg bnyak terase dgn dier but i found out that rmai ag classmate aq yg x suke prangai dier yg nak moody x kna masa n tmpat.... just imagine... first tuh, dier bleh bgelak ketawa, suka2 n a second later, dier bleh x der mood cam tu jew... x ke plik... biler tanyer knapa, x nak ckap... dah mcam org bisu..just tnjuk bhasa isyarat jew... i know i am not perfect too tp tlong ah dgn prangai yg cam tuh, sape bleh tahan... masuk sem 3 nih aq tgk prangai dier makin truk.... br 2 blan masuk sem 3, dah 2 kali cr gaduh dgn classmate aq.... 

i am just a human being... ad time aq tlupe n lalai but not always i am like that... aq just tlupe nak inform dier yg aq prg klas awal sket jew ari ni, trus wat muka kat aq... pastu slama ni ad klas cancel, dier x heboh kat kitorang x pe plak.... susah ah biler aq jew yg kna ikowt cara dier, sometimes dier kna ah pikir mcammana nak ubah prngai dier so that org takkan cr pasal dgan dier... mmg ah aq ni x perfect tp klau aq wat salah aq cbe mintak maaf bkan diam dr cam pngecut jew... ko ckap ko mmp bdikari tp sbnarnya ko x brani pown nak bdikari... itu yg aq nmpak kat dr ko...

this post bkan nak malukan ko tp just nak gtau ko spaya brubah... just ubah prangai ni jew... sgla klemahan ko yg lain tu insyallah aq bleh trima... tu jew aq nak ckp tuk kli nih...


Monday 27 May 2013

Composer 2PM Junho

Maybe some of you know or some still don't know that my bias in 2PM are Nichkhun and Junho (just by looking at my header, you will know right?? ^^) So today i would like to talk a bit about my bias... hehehe... If i talk about both, i don't think i can finish my entry bcoz i have a lot to talk about them so i will choose one, i think just by reading my post title you had know who i want to choose (no need for suspense... lol ) 

So firstly let me tell you my first impression of this boy. Basically, i am a late fan of 2PM actually.. i started to like them on 2010 after watching their mv with SNSD title Cabi song... so after i had fisrt sight love with Nichkhun (how can you don't like the sexy, cute nichkhun in that video) i started to search more about the boy and started with the time when they first make a debut... i watch 2PM idol army and my first time watch junho, all i think is that, did he have any connection with Rain? Are they siblings or cousin or whatsoever it is? How can they really look alike? But nowadays i don't see him as Rain anymore.. he have his own aura or charisma now... i don't see Rain in him anymore... It means, he had being mature enough and had grown to become more handsome man (but still cute lol.. hohoho) 

The man who is given the name Lee Junho or more known as Junho born on 25 January 1990 is an ambidextrous means he can use both hand, right and left... Nichkhun describes Junho as the most self-assertive person in a good way, and he does what he decides to do. So, he goes his own way the most and he has the No.1 concentration. You can said that he is persistent and hardworking person. However it is reveal that behind his cocky character, Junsu, Nichkhun & Wooyoung thinks that Junho is the most sentimental 2PM member because he reacts to any situation honestly and he expressess what he feels about it. hahaha... such a cute and lovely boy actualy....

But from what i see, i can say that Junho is the type when you ask him to do something, he will do it perfectly and when he do something that he really like, he will focus 100% on it without think about anyone around him (if u watch music & lyrics, u will understand me) I like a boy with a character like that because  a man with such attitude means that he will never cheat you and doesn't even have time to cheat on you... believe me...^^....

Before in Strong Heart, Junho reveal that he is sad because among the other member, he had the least popularity... He envy with the other member who can stand up even without the name of 2PM and he ask when will his time come... i think that he got his answer now, now is his season... nowadays, i can feel that Junho are getting more popular... his fanbase also getting more wider (did only me thinking like that??) i said it by looking at the situation now... and of course i am happy with that... For me, he really deserve all the fame... he work hard for that.. i think he is one of the members that always get discharge to hospital... have you see this video??

Just by watching it, you can feel how much hard work he have put in order to be in his position now... He who know to sing, dance, acrobatic, act and beat-boxing and know started to joining in composition... He is a perfect guy so he deserve to be famous... 

When talking about composition, i told you, Junho's song is a must hear song for you... Well, until know, i like all of his song that he compose and i never dissapointed with any song that he compose... starting with 'Give it to me', i can see how much grown he had become... In each song, i can feel how much mature i had become... And now, with 3 of his song included in their 3rd full korean album, i don't have any reason anymore for me to doubt his credibility as a composer...

If you ask me which one of his song that i like the most, i don't have an answer for that because i always hear all of his song... Some of it is, Forever, Kimiga Ireba, This is love, Move on, Say yes, Be with you... so many for me to list it but i love all the songs... ohhh... not forget, the song that he compose with actress, Kim Soeun title sad love.... it is one of my favourite song (i like a ballad song actually)... Even until now i keep on replaying this song... great job for both of them... so here 'sad love' for you----->

Should i give you some of junho photo??? I think i should as a gratitude for you who had read my entry... So here are some of my favourite junho's photo


Am i the only one who think that junho look really hot with a red hair.... Ohhh... did i tell you that junho had a cat name Ggomaengi??? actually it's hard to differentiate between junho and chansung's cat bcoz i can't see any different between the cat.. hohoho.. i heard that chansung give the cat to Junho after Junho keep begging him...my cute nuneo... hohoho..

anyways.... i think i should stop until here... i will make more update after this... let's me end this entry with a song from junho... i really like his voice in this song and i keep replaying it but still doesn't get bored... i really fall in love with Junho's voice... First song is an ost for the drama 7 Level Civil Servant title 'Path Towards You' or 'The Way to You" feat Taecyeon and second song is a cover song title 'Love Poem' originally sing by Mc the Max

Sunday 26 May 2013

My 'all-time' Favourite Korean Drama

Hello guys, here i am again..... so before in my previous entry i told you some drama that i watching nowadays... and now i would like to recommend you some of my favourite korean dramas... For the hard-core korean drama fans who had watch a lot of korean drama, i would not recommend you to read this entry  but for the beginners who starting to like korean drama, i think you are in the right place (that is what i think^^)... so let's start now.... (bare in mind that i don't rank this drama)

1) Stairway to Heaven(*) - my first korean drama and the drama that introduce me to the kpop world.. Starring by Kwong Sang Woo and Choi Ji Woo... For me, both actor and actress portray a really great, great emotions and chemistry... Great story line and OST.. i bet you, you will never regret watching this drama...It is a first love story that will make you teary all the episodes.... i advice you to prepare a couple box of tissue before you watching this drama...

2) Full House(*) - a drama that you should watch if you want to say that you are hard-core korean fans (i think^^) you can say that it is a cute type story that will make you feel happy, jealous, angry all the time... sometimes you will feel mad at the hero who are like a fool that don't dare to speak out his love to his girl... but i promise you, you will love this story with a great chemistry between Rain and Song Hye Kyo

3) Wonderful Life(*) - a drama that will change your feeling from a happy mode to an angry mode and then change it sad mode... i told you to prepare a lot of tissue at a few last episode because i am sure you will cry hard.

4) 49 days
5) Arang & The Magistrate
6) King Baker: Kim Tak Gu
7) Bridal Mask
8) Nice guy
9) City Hunter
10) My Girlfriend is a gumiho
11) Heart String
12) Secret garden
13) Playfull Kiss
14) My Girl(*)
15) Ojakgyo Brothers / Ojakgyo Family
16) Flower boy next door
17) Flower boy Ramyun shop
18) 7 Level Civil Servant
19) Dream High
20) Cinderella Step's sister
21) Boys over Flower
22) You're beautiful
23) The moon embraces the Sun
24) The Winter The Wind Blows
25) Iris
26) The King 2 Heart
27) To the beautiful You
28) Rooftop prince
29) Sungkyunkwan Scandal
30) My Princess
31) Coffee prince
32) Princess Hour(*)
33) Prince Hour
34) 2 Weeks(*)
35) I'm sorry I Love You - this one is really sad drama like Stairway to Heaven so you better prepare a lot tissue especially for the few last episode

If you asking why i didn't make a review for other drama, my answer is that i am too lazy to make it.... ohhh... and maybe some of you will asking why did your favourite drama are not listed here... my answer is whether i have not watch it or i forget to write it... i had watch a lot of drama so i can't really remember it well (except for Stairway to Heaven of course... hehehhe) However, for the beginners, the drama that i listed with a sign (*) means a drama that you should watch or you will regret (not really regret actually) ... hahaha... actually the drama that i listed with (*) means a drama that i watch when i started to fall in love with korean drama... Hope it will help you... 

Let's meet again next time... see you.. Anyeongggg!!!!!!!

Friday 24 May 2013

FOR 2PM HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firstly, i would like to congratulate my boys for their first winning on Music Bank... chukahae 2PM... i luv you.. do you know how excited i am when i know that they win??? i even cry when i know the news... all of their hard work had being paid by this winning.. thanks to all of the hottest... Actually this is my first time voting so hard for my boys .... actually the first time ever in my life voting so hard like this just to see them winning and at the same time to tell the boys, that we are still here for them... We will still love them even how much hardship we need to overcome in order to love them... Saranghae oppa -;)

But some of the bad mouth that talk that 2PM doesn't deserve the win really make me sad.... i really hate the haters out there... they said that 2PM doesn't deserve to win on music Bank and actually 4minutes are more deserve... hey haters let me tell you, if you think that your group are deserve to win then why don't you vote for them??? Why did you let 2PM win???  2PM and hottest work so hard to get this win and you can just easily said it like that... let me tell you, you are just a human that doesn't know how to respect others... you just think about yourself and think that you deserve all the fortune... sorry to say but actually you are not deserve to live in this world... Just go to hell... please leave my boys, don't disturb them... i can't bear anymore to see someone like you hating them....AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! you run my mood actually!!!!!!

i don't want to talk more longer... let's just end this here... whatever it is, 2PM congratulation for your first win... i am proud of you... Never look at the back now, just look forward.. believe me... more fortune waiting for you in future... Just go for it.. we HOTTEST will always support you with all our life and will never betray you... believe in us... we are here for you..2PM saranghae.. I LOVE YOU-:)