Sunday 12 May 2013

2PM GROWN album review


As all you know that 2PM had come out with their 3rd full length Korean album so I would like to make a bit of review... not a review actually but more like the song that I would like to really recommend to you... yeah... sort like that.... The things that i write up there is a song that include in this album... hahah... sorry if you don't like it...hmmm.... actually I am a HOTTEST (2PM fan club name) so you can said that I am a bit biased but who care... hahah(evil laugh) ... this is my blog afterall... ok so let's start now.... (bear in mind that i am not great in music)

The first song is "All day think of you"... If you wish to see a mv that are full of sexiness than here you are... I think  the rap verses fit perfectly, the choreography is great but i wish for more that that but still it is at best and for the mv, no need to said, it is full of sexiness and for us hottest, it is full of jealousy towards the girl...  hehe... Actually at first,  i don't really like the song and i will consider 'Comeback when you hear the song' more but after listen to it for several time, you can said that I am getting addicted to the song especially the falsetto make by Junho and Nichkhun... Overall for me, the song was really great and until now, the chorus part keep replaying in my mind... i think i really get addicted to the song so i would like to give 4/5 to this song... 

Now, let's move to the second song which is "Comeback When You Hear This Song"... It's a song that tell about the desperate feelings of a man who regrets parting with his lover... The first time i heard the preview of this song, i was really addicted to the chorus part of the song especially the line 'dorawa' ... it was quite catchy... For the dance, i would like to said that i really like the dance in this song.. It is quite cute and easy for us to follow along (maybe it just me who think like that ^^).... so i would like to give 4/5 for this song.


For the third song, it is a song written by the member, Junho name "Back to Square One"... At first, i was really anticipated for this song because all the song that he writes had become my favorite so you can say that he is one of my favorite songwriter (I am not bias here^^)... and when i heard this song, i know that he does not disappointing me... i can said that this is my favorite song in the whole album so i would like to recommend it to you... believe me you would like this song after hear it especially the chorus part... This song is about a guy who disappointed with cold treatment shown by his girl to him so he decided to erase her from his life. so i will give 4/5 for this song....

The next song is "I'm sorry" ... It's a song about a guy who try to stop the girl form leave him... For me, this song show the roman tic side of 2PM and i really like Wooyoung's voice at the beginning of the song... and the line that sang by Chansung keep replaying in my mind... Just hear it and i am sure you will love it... Overall it's a great song and all the members sing it beautifully so i will also give 4/5 to this song..

Now let's move to the song which is "Today Marks the 1st Day" It tell about a man who want to strat a new relationship with his girl so the words today marks the 1st day refer to the first day they officially become a couple.... It's a RnB song but with an upbeat rhythm... For me this song is pleasant to listen and it make you want to dance just by hearing the music.... You may not like it for the first time but after hear it for the second or third time, you will like it (that is what happen to me^^) but i really like the chorus part of this song so i will give 4/5 for this song...

Now to the sixth song, it is "Dangerous" ... For me it is a sexy song with a slow melody that tell about a man that fall in love with a girl and keep thinking about her 24/7 and hoping that the girl can accept him so that he will not wasting his time.... The word dangerous refer to the beautiful of the girl (that is what i think^^) for me wooyoung's smooth vocals and a catchy chorus are the highlights of this song so i will give 3.8/5 for this song.

In this song "Just for Today", it's a ballad song and you can really feel the depressing feeling of a man who had break up with his love and hoping that just for today he will live like this and stop after the next day... I love it how their voices harmonized together in other to show the felling of difficulty moving from his past love... It take time for me to like this song actually... like after 3 to 4 times after listen to it so i will give about 3.6/5 but that doesn't mean i would not recommend you to hear this song... it just you need to take time to like it but after you like, you will know how i feel... it's such a beautiful song with  a beautiful feeling of the members... Maybe after you like this song, you can give 4/5 for this song especially for the chorus part that quite catching you...

now we will move to the song that write by Jun. K title "Game Over" It's a song that like by many hottest. There are also a request to JYP to make a video clip for this song... Actually if you like song like It's War from MBLAQ so i am sure you will like this song too... It had that feel... It is a about a man who don't want to let go of his love even though the girl keep telling him that it's over but for him it is still not over... I love the strong rap in this song and everything about this song, i really like it... I hope to see them perfom this song live and i know others hottest would like it too so i will give 4/5 for this song or should i give more than it... hehehe^^

This is a song that write by Chansung title "Coming Down" ... it's another slow song depicting wanting to spend the night with the girl. I like the english rap from Taecyeon... It's such a good song but just like Just for Today, for this song, it also take time for me to like it.... if Just for today take me about 3-4 time to like it, this song take me more... but after like the song, i can say that this song has it's own 'specialty' so i will give about 3.3/5 to this song.

The song "Go Back" tell us about a lover that had exhausted from their relationship and expressing the desire to go back from the feelings of love. This song was co-writer by the meber Junho and the rap make by Taecyeon. The chorus part was quite interesting for me and i can say that i like this especially the eng part of the song so i will give about 3.8/5 for this song.

Now we go through the third song that write by Junho title "Love Song" ... For me this ballad song has a more organis instrumentation and some great vocal performances and you can feel the spring love from this song through the slow beats and soothing falsetto.... i like the song overall so i will give about 3.8/5

The last song for this album is "Suddenly".... You can said that it is a korean version of Hanarete Itemo but with a different feeling.... In this song it tell more about a man who can't forget his love and his heart keep searching for her... It's a ballad that i think will suit for the OST song... Each member expressed the song well and i think i like i like both version either korean or japan version... both version really suit my taste since i like a ballad song... haha.... Overall for this song i will give about 4/5 

I think 2PM really 'GROWN' up now from boy to men... You can see that they had become more matured in this album... i think it's really worth to wait for 2 years... for those who said that it is not worth... i think it is either you have a high taste or you does not wait actually (I think a lot come from the second categories) You can said that i am a bit biased in my review but it is my review after all...hahah... i think for the overall album i would give about 4 to 4.5/ 5 ....  half of the songs in this album really suit my taste so that is why i like this album (even though i like all of 2PM album^^)  That is all from me... let's meet next time for more news about 2PM... heheheheh... luv you 2PM-;) (^-)

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